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Treadmill Stress Echocardiogram

Treadmill Stress Echocardiogram Clinic in Downey, CA

A treadmill stress test is used to see how your heart responds to an external stressor under the supervision of a trained professional. Meet our experienced board-certified cardiologist, Kaushal Tamboli, MD FACC, and his team of experts for Treadmill Stress Echocardiogram at Cardiovascular Medical Associates. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We serve patients from Downey, CA and surrounding areas.

Treadmill Stress Echocardiogram Clinic Near Me in Downey, CA
Treadmill Stress Echocardiogram Clinic Near Me in Downey, CA

Table of Contents:

What is a treadmill stress test with an echocardiogram?
How long are you on the treadmill for an echo stress test?
What can I expect from an echo stress test?
What is a good score on a stress test?

What is a treadmill stress test with an echocardiogram?

A treadmill stress echocardiography, also known as an echocardiography stress test or stress echo, measures how well your heart and blood vessels are functioning. Your heart rhythm and blood pressure will be monitored while you exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike.

In order to determine whether your heart muscles are getting enough blood and oxygen during exercise, your doctor will take ultrasound images of your heart when your heart rate reaches peak levels.

An echocardiography test may be ordered if your doctor suspects that you have coronary artery disease or a myocardial infarction, which is a heart attack. Also, if you’re in cardiac rehabilitation, this test helps determine your tolerance for exercise.

You can also use the test to see how well treatments like bypass grafts, angioplasty, and anti-anginal or antiarrhythmic medications are working.

How long are you on the treadmill for an echo stress test?

An average stress test lasts about an hour, including preparation time and the actual test itself. It only takes about 15 minutes to do the exercise. The exercise usually involves walking on a treadmill or pedaling a stationary bicycle. A medicine IV will be given to you if you are unable to exercise. Medications create the effect of exercise on the heart.

You will usually be asked about your medical history and how often and how hard you exercise. In this way, the provider can determine how much exercise you can do during the test. To check for any issues that might affect your test results, your provider usually listens to your heart and lungs.

What can I expect from an echo stress test?

Echo stress tests are also known as exercise stress tests and treadmill tests. During physical activity, the heart is tested to assess its function. The test is based on the concept that exercise causes the heart to pump harder and faster; therefore, it can reveal problems with blood flow in the heart as well as the patient’s heart (cardiovascular) health.

During a stress test, a person walks on a treadmill or rides a stationary bike under supervision while continuously monitoring their heart rhythm, blood pressure, and breathing. During the test, the patient runs or cycles on a treadmill until he reaches 80% of the target heart rate.

Older people may reach the target heart rate faster; younger people and athletes may take up to 20 minutes or more. In patients with physical disabilities or trauma who are unable to perform a treadmill test, a medication called dobutamine can be administered intravenously to mimic the effects of exercise.

What is a good score on a stress test?

Your doctor may use a different scale to report your results. There are some stress tests that simply say “positive” (meaning there was something concerning about the test) or “negative” (meaning it was normal).

There is a possibility that your test could be declared nondiagnostic by your doctor. If your heart rate cannot reach 85% of its maximum but does not show any changes on your electrocardiogram (EKG), you may be experiencing ischemia.

It is also possible to calculate the Duke treadmill score during a stress test. Your risk of cardiac complications increases if your score is less than or equal to -11. Your risk of complications is intermediate if your score is between -10 and 4, and low if your score is greater than 5.

A doctor will identify a target heart rate for you when you exercise for a treadmill stress test. Your age plays a significant role in determining your heart rate. Doctors generally recommend exercising at a level that reaches 85% of your age-related maximum heart rate. By subtracting your age from 220, you can calculate your maximum heart rate.

Treadmill stress tests are available at Cardiovascular Medical Associates. For more information, call us. We serve patients from Downey CA, Norwalk CA, Lynwood CA, Cerritos CA, Lakewood CA, Whittier CA and surrounding areas.